Delicious Grilled or Roasted Asparagus

It’s grill season!!!  Well, almost.

We dusted off this grill this past weekend and grilled up some family favorites just to welcome the upcoming grill season a little early.  Here is one of our favorites.

Asparagus wrapped in Prosciutto

Grilled Prosciutto Wrapped Asparagus

8 – 10 slices of Prosciutto (thinly sliced)


olive oil

pepper to taste

Wrap 3-5 stalks of asparagus in a slice of prosciutto.  If you wrap the asparagus snuggly, you won’t have to use picks to secure it in place.  After all the asparagus is wrapped, lightly drizzle with olive oil then season with  pepper (Notice I didn’t say salt?  The prosciutto is salty enough and adding more will make it too salty).  Grill until the prosciutto starts to brown (about 8 minutes).  Turn the bundles as needed so they don’t over cook on one side.  Serve.