Month: July 2013

Try a New Kind of Fish on The Grill – Branzini is Wonderful

Recently I was at my local Whole Foods Fish Counter and saw a fish I hadn’t seen before.  It is call Branzini and is a European Sea Bass.  Since I am always on the look-out for a new fish, I decided to try this one.  

Beignets on the Quick

I love beignets.  You know, those sweet, heavenly pillows of fried dough heaped with powdered sugar just waiting to fall in your lap.  I especially love the beignets at the Café du Monde in New Orleans French Quarter.  No words to describe!  Well, you know 

Looking for Ways to Use Tomatoes?

As I head into the dogs days of summer, I continue to search for ways to beat the heat and not use the kitchen.  In recent posts, I have talked about grilling mangos and how wonderful they taste – like Krispy Kreme donuts, and grilling peaches – so delicious with a small scoop of vanilla ice cream.  I have also recently shown how to grill romaine lettuce for a salad; the contrast between the hot layer and the ice cold inside of the lettuce is wonderful.  So today, I got the bright idea to try grill tomatoes.

I sliced a nice ripe tomato into about 1/2 inch thick slices and placed the slices on a hot grill.  Flip them over after about 3 minutes and grill another few minutes.  Remove from the grill, drizzle with balsamic vinegar, sprinkle a little grated parmesan cheese and top with some fresh basil, sea salt, and fresh cracked pepper.   You could change this up by deleting the parmesan cheese and adding blue cheese or fresh mozzarella cheese.  Classic!!

Delicious and so easy to make.  Plus with all the tomatoes that are coming in at the farmers markets, you will need another way to use them up!

Grilled Tomatoes