Looking for Ways to Use Tomatoes?

As I head into the dogs days of summer, I continue to search for ways to beat the heat and not use the kitchen.  In recent posts, I have talked about grilling mangos and how wonderful they taste – like Krispy Kreme donuts, and grilling 

Great Alternative to Krispy Kreme and Tastes Just as Good!

Before I get started I want you to know that I am a freak for Krispy Kreme donuts.  The plain raised and glazed ones are all I need and life is good.  Guess I am a simple kind of person – not to be confused 

Succulent, Juicy, and Delicious Yucatan Pork

This recipe is my own version of Yucatan Pork.  I love making this in the summer since it goes on the grill at a low temp for several hours.  This recipe just “speaks” summer to me with all the delicious flavors blended together. Yucatan Pork 1