Month: April 2013

Looking for a flakey pie crust recipe that’s easy too?

This pie crust recipe has been in our family for generations.  I think it is the easiest recipe in the world and produces the best tasting pie crust I have ever had.  When I was in culinary school, we made pie dough till it was 

How to prevent a soggy pie crust

There is nothing I hate more than a soggy pie crust.  You put all that effort into making a delicious, flaky pie crust and it is all for nothing after the pie is just a few hours old.  Well, here is a quick, easy, delicious 

Spicy Chicken Green Chili

Looking for something spicy and yummy but still healthy for dinner?  This recipe for Chicken Green Chili is a family favorite at our house.  It has everything my family usually looks for in a meal:  spicy, no fat or gristle, able to fit in a tortilla.

Chicken Green Chili

4 – 6 chicken breasts, skinless and boneless, all fat and gristle trimmed off

2 c. green chili peppers, roughly chopped

1 1/2 c tomatoes, chopped

4 cloves garlic, finely minced

2 T garlic powder

1 T paprika

1 t cumin

a dash cayenne pepper

salt and fresh cracked pepper – to taste

In a small bowl, mix together the dry seasonings.  Heat the olive oil in a heavy bottom, oven safe pan.  Add the chicken, sprinkle the dry seasonings on both sides and brown on both sides.  Add the minced garlic and chopped onion and brown slightly.  Add the green chili’s and tomatoes, cover and put in the oven heated to 325 degrees F.

Chicken Green Chili

Allow to cook for 2 hours or until no longer pink in the center.  Remove from the pan, reserving the chili’s and tomatoes. Shred the chicken

Chicken Green Chili 2

and add back into the pan with the tomatoes and chili’s, mix to coat well.

Chicken Green Chili 3       Chicken Green Chili 4

Serve with fresh, hot tortilla’s, salsa, grated cheese.

Chicken Green Chili 5