2010 Castle Rock Pinot Noir, Mendocino County


2010 Castle Rock Pinot, Mendocino

Castle Rock Pinot Mendocino frt         Castle Rock Pinot Mendocino bk

This wine is from a wine tasting set I purchased.  The set contains three bottles of pinot, each from a different region in California; Mendocino, Sonoma, and Monterey along with tasting score sheets.  The total cost of the set is $30 so I have broken down the cost of each bottle to $10 each.

The Mendocino County Pinot is a deep ruby-red with light red edges.  It has a pleasant fruitiness of cherry and blueberry.  Very smooth with mild tannins.  Light in taste with notes of plums, cherry, strawberry, and earthiness with a raspberry/rhubarb finish.  This wine is subdued with nothing overpowering.  In general, a pleasant wine.  Very good with Castlevetrano olives, dried cranberries, parmesan cheese and nuts.  Not so good with dark chocolate – it competes instead of compliments.

I would buy more but not a case.

3 out of 5 stars